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מדוע חשוב להשתמש במוצרים ללא SLS?

Why is it important to use SLS-free products?

מדוע חשוב להשתמש במוצרים ללא SLS?

Why is it important to use SLS-free products?

When we choose hair care products, the ingredients in their formula play a major role in the quality of care and the effect on the hair and scalp. One of the common ingredients in many personal ...

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איך לשמור על שיער בריא ומלא ברק בחורף

How to keep hair healthy and shiny in winter

Winter brings with it cold, wind, and dryness, all of which can negatively impact the health of our hair and scalp. The cold weather, coupled with excessive heating indoors, creates conditions t...

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קצוות מפוצלים: למה זה קורה ואיך מטפלים

Split ends: why it happens and how to treat it

Split Ends: Why It Happens and How to Treat It We all know the phenomenon – split ends that suddenly appear and spoil the healthy and well-groomed look of hair. It is one of the most common prob...

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שיער לאחר החלקה: איך לשמור עליו בריא, רך וזוהר

Hair after straightening: How to keep it healthy, soft and shiny

Hair after straightening: How to keep it healthy, soft and shiny Straightening can make your hair smooth, shiny, and manageable, but it also requires special attention to maintain its health ove...

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כתום בשיער לאחר הבהרה

Orange in hair after lightening

Orange in hair after lightening: why it happens and how to deal with it? We all dream of a perfect hair look – a radiant blonde or light shades that radiate freshness, but then that moment co...

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האקלים הישראלי והשפעתו על השיער

The Israeli climate and its effect on hair

The Israeli climate and its effect on your hair! We all feel it – the Israeli climate. It is hot, dry, humid and sometimes full of surprises like desert winds or unexpected rain. The dry air ...

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